Many Americans love the character, beauty and legacy of older homes. Historic buildings, both residential and commercial, are a major contributor to the country’s economy and a source of pride for homeowners and investors alike. Buying property for historic renovation projects can offer substantial financial rewards and tax benefits, but renovating these properties requires more time, money and energy than new construction or modernized houses. Historic preservationists make this commitment because they believe it is important to preserve these landmarks and help maintain their historical significance. However, for those thinking of making the purchase and commitment, it is crucial to understand what they are getting into.
Generally speaking, it is not easy to sell a historic building. That is because buyers of these homes and businesses are usually aware that the purchase comes with a significant price tag for restoration work. For this reason, prospective historic property owners should be certain that they are committed to the project and that it will pay off financially before investing. For more info
To be considered for historic designation, a property must meet certain criteria that identifies it as having a special architectural or historical value. In most cases, the only way to know for sure is to contact your local Historical Preservation office or visit the National Register of Historic Places website. It is also a good idea to have a title company conduct a search on any easements that may limit renovations. Eases often allow public access to the property and can include anything from sidewalks to garden areas.
In many cases, state and federal agencies have programs that aid the purchase and renovation of historic properties. For instance, some states offer a refundable tax credit of up to 20 percent on any renovations that are completed according to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. And the Federal Housing Administration offers a 203k program that helps write $35,000 in additions to a pending mortgage for historic home renovations.
A final consideration is that if you plan to change the use of a historic property, it will most likely require approval from the county, city and possibly state level governments. This is because, as the name suggests, a historic building is expected to be used for its original purpose and changing this could affect the entire community.
One of the most important steps in a successful historic renovation is choosing a team of architects and contractors that have experience with these types of projects. Because each historic project is unique and has its own set of challenges, these professionals should be involved from the very beginning of the process in order to provide creative solutions that ensure architectural consistency throughout the space. They should also be available to assist with any unexpected issues that might arise during the project. This will save time and money for everyone involved. It will also give you peace of mind knowing that your team is ready to handle whatever problems might come their way.